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Re: changes!

#21 Post by PeteB77 »

Hi all, I posted over on NoteBookReview years ago when I was using a CF51 with Win7 and an SSD.
Went to look up the CF51 FAQ today and it was gone.
So I see many of the old names here, were the FAQs and old threads recovered here - I can't seem to find them?

Thanks, good to see old names!
Pete B.

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Re: changes!

#22 Post by Bill_TN »

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess I've been away longer than I thought. Looks like I'll have months of catching up involved just to get close to now. Hope everyone is well. Time for me to get back into the swing of things again.
CF-29ET, CF-28ST, CF-30G , CF-M34, CF-19Ch, CF-19FH, CF-19CD, CF-73 mk1, CF-74K & H, CF-51RCB, CF-51RCL, CF-52CC .

As long as the deal is good for you it is good for me.

Member of Toughbooktalk and Notebook Review forums

Mark F
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Re: changes!

#23 Post by Mark F »


Been a good while since I have been here too, but I use my CF-19 MK7 every day at work.

I am a GM technician and I work on the new EV's and they need a ton of programming interfacing with a device and GM calibration servers. The MK7 has a 3rd gen i5 processor and GM requires 5th gen minimum. I am looking at an MK8 which I believe is a newer gen processor.

Where can I find a chart that breaks down the model number, CF-19ZEP45BM?

My old MK7 is a very solid PC, our shop has a bunch of HP's with loads of RAM and 7th get processors, but the best pc in the shop is my Toughbook. I had an MK4 up until a couple years ago and it was solid too. I don't do any gaming or much video on these PC's so that's not an issue, I do use the touch screen with the pen while on road tests, but the better processor is what I am looking for. The compact size of the CF-19 is a huge plus for road tests, I have a CF-73 from years ago, but its a bit bulky for that use.

How old is the MK8? I looked up the Intel Core i5-3610ME vPRO and it seemed like a recent processor.

Thanks, glad this forum is still going, I used to use Notebook Review but its a goner.

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Re: changes!

#24 Post by ADOR »

From what I have heard there isn't much performance difference between the 7 and the 8.

Mk1 core duo shares basic chassis with the 18 ( U2400 )
Mk2 core 2 duo shares basic chassis with the 18 ( U7500 )

Mk3 core 2 duo 1.2 new chassis and led backlight ( SU9300 )
Mk4 i5 1.2 ( U540 )

Mk5 i5 2.5 first big speed jump ( i5-2520M )
Mk6 I5 2.6 usb 3 added ( i5-3320M )

Mk7 i5 2.7 ( i5-3340M )
Mk8 i5 2.7 ( i5-3610ME )

The Mk7 has a higher performance score than the Mk8 but not by very much. Nothing you would feel. The chip on the Mk8 is just more energy efficient.

The score of the Mk7 cpu is higher scoring wise than the Mk6. But I remember the guys saying the Mk6 always felt better performance wise than the Mk6. ( I still have a Mk3 Mk5 and Mk6. I have never had a Mk7 or 8 )

Performance between the Mk6 and 5 is about the same. The Mk6 has newer graphics.

Looks like I need to go and do some updates on the CF-19 thread when I get time. As I didn't really have access to the newer stuff when I first did it.
CF-28 MK2,Mk3 / CF-29 Mk3 / CF-30 MK2 / CF-25 Mk1 ATI / CF-19 MK3/Mk3/Mk5 / CF-U1 Mk1,Mk2 / CF-M34 Mk7/Mk3 / CF-17 Mk1 / CF-07
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