Getac B300

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Getac B300

#1 Post by teo »

I am curious about this unit and wanting to see one personally. Two weeks ago. i've got a chance to buy one of this in a decent price of 500buck complete with media bay drive, BN battery and Hdd with a caddy with 4gb of ram. I received the item last friday and then install a Win 7 64bit. This unit is a bit thinner compare to pana toughbook but it also built more rugged then a toughbook. This model that I had is as the same model of CF-30MK2 with almost the same specs. The battery last for almost 7hrs. in one charged.

Today I've clone the drive with a new Samsung 840 series, 120gb and its really fast and the battery level is on 10hrs + base on the indicator while with the mechanical hdd, it register to only 7+. Also installed a WWAN card ( EU860D) and it works. Later I will have to look on GPS connector slot to drop one of the u-blox 6. The only thing I hate on this unit are the screws. Its an stainless steel on which is you usually drop without a trace during the disassembly and assembly coz you can't magnetize this thing for easy safe keeping and screwing.

See picture below:
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IMG_0517.JPG (291.01 KiB) Viewed 17205 times
IMG_0516.JPG (403.23 KiB) Viewed 17221 times

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