CF-54 Mk3, Max ssd internal and caddy

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CF-54 Mk3, Max ssd internal and caddy

#1 Post by liteace »

Hi ALL, its been a long time, as its toughbooks I use and they dont go wrong Im not here on the forum that much, my 2 old CF-19's + my CF-20 are all still going strong

I am thinking of buying a CF-54 Mk3, the bigger screen will be ideal for my again eyes, I see these also take internal SSD drive, what my plan is, is 2Tb internal SSD and 2Tb in caddy, would this work and if so how do you chose what drive you want to boot from, 1 more question for now, the battery pack on these, anyone had one apart, do they use the 16850 cells like the CF-19's do


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